
区域服务贸易安排中“GATS-”承诺的服务贸易影响——基于发展中经济体视角的经验研究 被引量:3

The Trade Effect of the“GATS-minus”Commitments in the Regional Service Agreement
摘要 本文分别运用三个扩展的面板引力模型对缔结区域服务贸易安排,及其内含的具备"GATS-"特征的"市场准入"和"国民待遇"承诺可能对一个"典型"发展中经济体的服务出口所产生的影响展开经验研究。结果显示:对外缔结区域服务贸易安排能对发展中经济体双边服务出口产生显著的正向影响;其中内含的具有"GATS-"特征的"市场准入"和"国民待遇"承诺均不会对发展中经济体的双边服务出口产生显著的阻碍作用。本文对该研究结论做出了合理解释,并从中挖掘出一系列有益的政策内涵。 It becomes a very common phenomenon that developing economics makc or acccpt thc "GATS- minus" commitments during the negotiation of regional service agreement with their trading partners. This paper aims to investigate and distinguish the effect of the regional service agreement and its "GATS-Minus" components on market access and national treatment on developing economies' bilateral service export based on three extended gravity model. The results indicate belonging to a "service" RTA can increase the bilateral service export of de- veloping economies significantly and the commitments of "GATS-minus" characteristic do not have significant negative effects on bilateral service export. This paper gives some reasonable explanation to the results and draws some interesting policy implications from them.
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期37-42,共6页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
基金 国家社科基金项目(编号:13CGJ031) 北京市社科基金项目(编号:14JGB064) 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:71103037)的阶段性成果
关键词 区域服务贸易安排 “GATS-” 承诺 贸易影响 Regional Service Agreement, GATS-minus Commitment, Trade Effect
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