In this study, a linear model of a generalized diallel crosses for typeⅠis proposed. It is based on the null hypothesis (H0) with regard to the four types of diallel crosses design (TypeⅠ,Ⅱ,ⅢandⅣ). Generally combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability(SCA) and reciprocal cross effect. The restriction equations(Hβ=L) of the combining ability can be derived. Also the hypothetical test model of three kinds of combining ability can be carried out. A combined analysis of variance for diallel crosses of combining ability is presented in table 2, and it also constitutes the mathematical foundations for the generalized diallel crosses model(GDCM). According to the analysis of the inclusiveness concerning the restriction equations(Hβ=L), six types of modular matrix can be obtained. The restricted matrix for the diallel crosses of combining ability (including:TypeⅡ,ⅢandⅣ) can be derived from its modular matrix. It is generally acknowledged that the diallel crosses (TypeⅡ,ⅢandⅣ) is one of TypeⅠwith missed data. Therefore, the method to build modular matrix can be applied to hypothesis testing of incomplete diallel crosses with a small amount of data loss (less than 10%). Finally, the modification of hypothetical test model structure will be conductive to extending GDCM.
Journal of Sanming University
linear model
combining ability
modular matrix
generalized diallel crosses model