
2011年全国监测网微生物实验室菌落总数质控考核结果分析 被引量:5

Analysis on 2011 quality control results on aerobic plate count of microbiology laboratories in China
摘要 目的摸底全国监测网微生物实验室定量检测能力,提高监测工作质量。方法制作4种不同浓度梯度(I、II、III和IV)的菌落总数纸片,经均匀性和稳定性测试后对312个实验室进行质控考核,I、II和III号样品利用稳健均值和标准差计算Z比分数并做出评价,IV号报告为<10 CFU/片评价为满意,否则评价为不满意,率间比较用Pearsonχ2检验。结果 309个实验室上报了检验结果,上报率为99.04%。271个机构上报了满意的结果,总满意率为87.70%。I、II、III和IV号样品的满意率分别为81.52%、88.30%、91.40%和93.33%。省级CDC和地市级CDC的满意率没有统计学差别。结论全国实验室的微生物定量检测能力基本能够满足全国监测任务的需求。 Objective To test the aerobic plate count examining capability of microbiology laboratories, to ensure the accuracy and comparability of quantitative bacteria examination results, and to improve the quality of monitoring. Methods The 4 different concentration aerobic plate count piece samples were prepared and noted as I, II, III and IV. After homogeneity and stability tests, the samples were delivered to monitoring institutions. The results of I, II, III samples were logarithmic transformed, and evaluated with Z-score method using the robust average and standard deviation. The results of IV samples were evaluated as "satisfactory" when reported as 〈 10 CFU/piece or as " not satisfactory" otherwise. Pearson X2 test was used to analyze the ratio results. Results 309 monitoring institutions, which was 99.04% of the total number, reported their results. 271 institutions reported a satisfactory result, and the satisfactory rate was 87.70%. There was no statistical difference in satisfactory rates of I, II and III samples which were 81.52%, 88.30% and 91.40% respectively. The satisfactory rate of IV samples was 93.33%. There was no statistical difference in satisfactory rates between provincial and municipal CDC. Conclusion scientific data that the aerobic plate count requirements of monitoring tasks. The quality control program has provided capability of the laboratories meets the repuirements of monitoring tasks.
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期73-76,共4页 Journal of Hygiene Research
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(No.2012BAK01B02)
关键词 菌落总数 质控考核 Z比分数 微生物实验室 aerobic plate count, quality control, Z-score
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