Bulletin of Biology
1Donald E. Olins, Ada L. Olins. Chromatin History: our view from the bridge, nature review: molecular cell biology, 2003,4 (10):809-813.
3Roger D. Kornberg, Yahli Lorch. Twenty-rive years of the nucleosome fudamental particle of the eukaryote chromosome. Cell, 1999,98(8):285-294.
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5Markus Noll. Internal structure of the ehromatin subunit. Nu- cleic Acids Research, 1974,1 ( 11 ): 1573- 1578.
7Richmond T., Finch J. T., Rushton B: et al. The structure of the nucleosome core particle at 7A resolution. Nature , 2003,4(10) :532-537.
8P. J. Butler. A defined structure of the 30 nm chromatin fibre which accommodates different nucleosomal repeat lengths. The EMBO Journal, 1984,3(11):2599-2604.
9Karolin Luger, Armin W. Mader, Robin K. Richmond, et al. Crystal structure of the nucleosome core particle at 2.8 res- olution. Nature, 1997,389(9):251-260.
1Lefkowith FB, Gikeson GS. Nephritognic autoantiboides in lupus.Arthritis Rheum, 1996,39 : 894-903.
2Berden JH, Licht R, van Bruggen MC, et al. Role of nucleosomes for induction and glomerular binding of autoantibodies in lupus nephritis. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens, 1999,8: 299-306.
3Kaliyperumal A, Michaels MA, Datta SK. Antigen-specific therapy of murine lupus nephritis using nucleosomal peptide: tolerance spreading impairs pathogenic function of autoimmune T and B cells.J Immunol, 1999,162 : 5775-5783.
4Lugher K, Mader AW,Richmond RK. Cristal structure of the nuclcosome core particle at 2.8 A resolution. Nature, 1997,389: 251-261.
5Flora PK, Gregory CD. Recognition of apoptotic cells by specific monoclonal antibody. Eur J Immunol, 1994,24 : 2625-2632.
6Hannestad K,Stollar BD. Certain rheumatoid factor react with nucleosomes. Nature, 1978,275 : 671-673.
7Amoura Z, Koutouzov S, Chabre H, et al. Presence of antinucleosome antibodies in a restricted set of connective tissue diseases.Arthritis Rheum, 2000,43: 76-94.
8Bruns A, Blass S, Hausdorf G, et al. Nucleosomes are major T and B cell autoantigens in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum, 2000,43: 2307-2315.
9Benucci M,Gobbi FL, Rosso AID, et al. Disease activity and antinucleosome antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus. Scand J Rheum, 2003,32:42-45.
10Chaims AP, McMillan SA, Crockard AD, et al. Antinucleosome antibodies in the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis, 2003,62 : 272-273.
1李峥,毕胜,杨曦,高玉红.抗核抗体谱检测对系统性红斑狼疮的诊断价值[J].云南医药,2005,26(5):400-402. 被引量:8
2戴立群,王炎强,张玲,李全文.系统性红斑狼疮患者自身抗体检测的临床意义[J].中国民康医学,2007,19(10):337-338. 被引量:2
4张忠源,叶桂云,胡望平,池细俤,林晗忆,王美龄.四种抗体在系统性红斑狼疮中的应用探讨[J].国际检验医学杂志,2012,33(11):1394-1395. 被引量:11
5梁芳,徐柯,龚朝建,李俏,马健,熊炜,曾朝阳,李桂源.染色质免疫沉淀-测序:全基因组范围研究蛋白质-DNA相互作用的新技术[J].生物化学与生物物理进展,2013,40(3):216-227. 被引量:5
6蒋素莹,卢永芳,谢丹萍,张金珍.抗核抗体谱检测在诊断系统性红斑狼疮中的意义[J].标记免疫分析与临床,2013,20(3):161-163. 被引量:5
7王成爱,赵宏宇,邢永强,邵灵利,蔡禄.酿酒酵母核小体定位理论模型的体外实验验证[J].生命科学研究,2014,18(1):21-27. 被引量:2
10王永芹,王胜玉,张雪峰.抗核抗体谱检测对系统性红斑狼疮的诊断意义[J].现代预防医学,2015,42(4):753-754. 被引量:15
1梁前进.表观遗传学——理论·方法·研究进展(2)[J].生物学通报,2007,42(11):11-13. 被引量:5
2杨滨,夏欣一,黄宇烽,许晓风.精子的表观遗传学研究进展[J].中华男科学杂志,2007,13(12):1125-1129. 被引量:14
4Robin Holliday. Epigenetics: a historical overview. Epigenetics l:2,76-80.March/April 2006.2006 Landes Bioscience.
5Anjana Munshi, Shanti Duvvuri. Genemic imprinting:the storyof the other half and the conflicts of silencing. Journal of Genetics and Genemics,2007,34 (2) :93.
6YongQin Xul, Paul Grundy. Aberrant imprinting of the insulin- like growth factor I! receptor gene in Wilms' tumor. Oncogene 1997,14:1041.
7Craig S Pikaar. Nucleolar dominanc. Encyclopedia of the human genome / &2003 Macmillan Publishers Ltd, Nature Publishing Group/www.ehgonline.net2.
8Supratim Choudhuri.From Waddington's epigenetic landscape to small noncoding RNA some important milestones in the history of epigenetics research. Toxicology Mchanism and methods, 2011,21 (4) :252.
9J T Attwooda, R L Yunga, B C Richardso. DNA methylation and the regulation of gene transcription.Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2002,59:241.
10Walter Doerfler. DNA methylation: a regulatory signal in eukaryotic gene expression. Journal of general virology, 1981, 57(12):1.
1许亚辉,严志祎,李杰,陈家旭.浅谈表观遗传现象与中医“治未病”思想[J].中医杂志,2018,59(19):1652-1655. 被引量:9
2牛东红,汪桂玲,李家乐.以培养科研素养为目标的遗传学教学模式探索[J].高校生物学教学研究(电子版),2018,8(1):13-16. 被引量:6
3陈书平.例析对高中表观遗传学的认识[J].福建基础教育研究,2019(10):133-135. 被引量:1
4毕跃峰,王云雨,张芳平,黄盈盈,白喆,程鑫涛.表观遗传学和代谢组学在中药研究中的应用[J].中草药,2020,51(19):4837-4845. 被引量:16
5董晨,葛霖,李宁.代孕及相关人类辅助生殖技术概述[J].中学生物教学,2022(27):47-48. 被引量:1
6程晓东,许树成,祝雪兰.百年遗传学学科知识体系演变与发展[J].生物学通报,2023,58(1):1-8. 被引量:1
8范天悦.阿尔茨海默症和表观遗传学的关系[J].中国新通信,2019,0(12):241-243. 被引量:1
6郭晓强.DNA酶学之父——科恩伯格[J].自然杂志,2009,31(4):245-248. 被引量:5