
SoLoMo背景下购物生命周期模型研究 被引量:5

Research on the Shopping Life Cycle Model in the Context of SoLoMo
摘要 SoLoMo背景下蕴含的社会性、本地性与移动性因素对消费者心理与行为的影响形成了不同于传统网络环境下的购物生命周期模型,该模型由需求产生、信息检索、线上交易、线下消费、线上评价与分享等五个循环往复的阶段所构成,每个阶段消费者的心智模式具有不同的特点,以消费体验与互动为核心,具有随时随地完成性。据此,网上商家要增强与消费者在每个生命周期阶段的互动沟通能力,为消费者提供更好的个性化服务体验,实现商家与消费者的共赢。 The influence of social, local and mobile factors in the context of SoLoMo on consumer psychology and behaviors has formed a shopping life cycle model different form that in the context of traditional network environment. This model is made up of five cyclic stages, including demand generation, information retrieval, online transaction, offline consumption, online evaluation and sharing. In each stage, the consumers' mental models have different characteristics. With consumption experience and interaction as the core, the model shows that consumers can complete all the stages whenever and wherever possible. Therefore, online merchants should enhance their ability of interaction and communication with consumers in each stage of the life cycle model and provide better personalized service experience to consumers, so as to achieve a win-win situation between them.
作者 王海萍
出处 《当代财经》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期77-86,共10页 Contemporary Finance and Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"Online-to-Offline商务环境下‘切客’行为模式挖掘研究"(71172046) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目"一种基于社交 位置 移动(SoLoMo)模式的消费精准定位模型"(13YJC630162) 山东省自然科学基金联合专项项目"山东省大学生网络消费心理与消费行为研究"(ZR2011GL018) 山东省社会科学规划研究青年项目"基于位置签到服务的移动用户精准消费行为模式研究"(13DGLJ04) 山东省高校人文社会科学研究计划项目"价格属性关系实证研究"(J12WF14)
关键词 SOLOMO 购物生命周期 体验 互动 心智模式 SoLoMo shopping life cycle experience interaction mental model
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