
病人安全文化与安全绩效相关性问卷的编制 被引量:15

Construction of Patient Safety Culture and Safety Performance Correlation Questionnaire
摘要 目的 编制和修订出适用于我国医疗环境的病人安全文化与安全绩效相关性测评问卷。方法 基于文献法和专家咨询法形成初始问卷,采用问卷调查法对其结果进行信度与效度检验。结果 问卷由15个维度构成,其总体信度Cronbach’s α为0.919,各维度Cronbach’s α系数为0.531~0.949,因子分析结果共提取出15个公因子,累计贡献率为80.164。结论 所编制的病人安全文化与安全绩效相关性问卷信度和效度良好,可以用于病人安全文化与安全绩效的相关性研究。 ObjectiveTo establish and revise patient safety culture and safety performance correlation assessment questionnaire suitable for China’s medical environment. Methods Based on literature method and expert consultation method, using questionnaire survey to do reliability and validity inspection. Results The questionnaire consists of 15 dimensions, the overall reliability Cronbach ’s alpha is 0.919, and each dimension Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient is 0.531~0.949. Factor analysis results extracts 16 common factors, and the cumulative contribution rate is 80.177.Conclusion The reliability and validity of the patient safety culture and safety performance correlation questionnaire is good, and it can be used in the research of patient safety culture and safety performance.
出处 《中国医院管理》 北大核心 2015年第1期48-50,共3页 Chinese Hospital Management
基金 黑龙江省社会科学研究规划年度项目(13D052)
关键词 病人安全文化 安全绩效 测评问卷 patient safety culture safety performance appraisal questionnaire
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