

An Intertextual Structure and a Language Game Formed with Poetry and Commentary
摘要 美国著名后现代主义小说家纳博科夫在文学创作中十分讲究全篇的文体结构,在细节上精雕细刻,在叙事上大胆探索,追求一种具有异常复杂性和迷惑性的艺术境界。在他的小说《微暗的火》中,希德的诗与金保特的注释不仅构成一种互文结构,表现世界中相互作用与相互沟通的主题以及艺术与生活之间、想象与现实之间的张力,而且构成一种后现代语言游戏,表明作者并不创造意义,因为作品没有所谓的原意,意义也不是作品现存的,每篇文本都必须置于更多的文本之中才能产生意义。 Vladimir Nabokov, American famous postmodernist novelist, is very particular about the stylistic structure of a whole work in his literary writing. He works at details with great care, boldly explores in narrative, and seeks an artistic boundary that has unu- sual complexity and puzzlement. In his novel Pale Fire, Shade' s poem and Kinbote' s commentary form not only a strange inter- textual structure which represents the theme of interaction and intercommunication in the world, the tension between art and life and between imagination and reality but also constitute a sort of postmoderu language game which shows that a writer does not create meaning because a work does not have the so-called original meaning, meaning is not existent in the work, and accordingly every text cannot produce meaning until it is put among more other texts.
出处 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期132-137,共6页 Foreign Language Research
基金 中国人民大学“明德学者”计划项目(2010Z001)的阶段性成果
关键词 诗歌与注释 互文结构 语言游戏 poetry and commentary intertextual structure language game
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