Unsaturated triaxial compression tests is carried out by applying suction changes to investigate influences of mois-ture content on mechanical behavior of Q2 loess. The results show that stress-strain curves of Q2 loess at different moisture contentare strain-softening, i.e. the higher the moisture content is, the flatter the curves after yielding are. The stress-strain curve is close tostrain-hardening as the loess is saturated. The initial parts of the stress-strain curves are steep for the presence of the natural fabricwhile with the progressive destruction of the fabric, deviator stress increases moderately with the axial strain and then decreasessteadily to a constant. Wetting brings changes both in stress state and fabric of Q2 loess. Yielding stress decreases with the rise ofmoisture content, changing rapidly as it comes to saturation, as is with the structure. Fabric of Q2 loess is different from that of Q3loess, and more fine particles lead to its different mechanical behavior.
Journal of Logistical Engineering University