
空间观点采择过程中自我视角表征的旋转和回位 被引量:1

The Rotation and Reset of Self-Perspective Representation in the Process of Spatial Perspective Taking
摘要 观点采择是用于理解别人的想法、观念的能力,允许人们从另一个人的观点和视角来看待事物和客体。已有研究表明空间观点采择涉及自我旋转(self-rotation),在此基础上,我们假设自我视角表征在旋转到目标位置后将缓慢旋转回位,提出了"旋转-回位"的假说。通过两个包含连续观点采择任务的实验,研究结果表明两个任务的目标之间角度差越大,判断所需反应时越长,且角度差与反应时间的关系类似于单个空间观点采择任务中目标与被试位置间的角度与反应时的关系;且两个任务间时间间隔的增长减弱了角度差对反应时的影响。研究初步支持了"旋转-回位"假说:空间观点采择过程中个体的自我视角表征先向目标位置旋转,在任务完成后逐渐回位。这一结果和结论巩固并补充了现有的关于观点采择的理论,并对理解观点采择过程中对视角表征进行的认知操作具有启发意义。 Perspective taking is a capacity of understanding others' ideas and beliefs, which enables people to see something from another' s view. Previous research has shown that spatial perspective taking refers to the mental self-rotation that one would transform his own body or view representation into alignment with the target position, while the later processing is yet not clear. On the basis of this "self-rotation" account, the current study proposed a "rotation-reset" hypothesis. By using a successive spatial perspective taking task paradigm which contains two successive perspective taking tasks and only one congruence judgment in each trial, the present study examined the effect of ISI and the angle disparity between the targets of two successive tasks (△angle). The results indicated that the reaction time increased with △angle and this effect was weakened while ISI increased, supporting the "rotation-reset" hypothesis we proposed. Further theoretical implications and future directions were also discussed.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2014年第4期291-299,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 国家基础科学人才培养基金J1103602
关键词 空间观点采择 自我视角表征 自我旋转 spatial perspective taking, self-perspective representation, self-rotation
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