

Which Color Will You Choose? Sexy Stimuli Generate Sexual Conflict in Product Preference
摘要 本研究用实验方法考察同一性感刺激对两性可能产生的动机冲突,使得两性在选择能够展示拥有者特性的商品时,偏好可能大相径庭。本文以i Phone5S手机的色彩选择为例,两个实验的结果显示,来自性感女性的性感刺激,一方面会激发男性的配偶吸引动机,提高其对代表财富的金色手机(相比代表沉稳的黑色手机)的购买欲望;另一方面,会激发女性的配偶维系动机,使她们在给情人(相比给非情人关系男士)选购礼物时,对金色手机的偏好降低(相比黑色手机)。 In the marketplace, the use of sexual elements is supposed to attract more consumer attention, but few extant literatures reveal the conflict of man and woman under a sexual appeal. The present study took the choice of mobile phone color as an example to examine the role of sexual appeals to man and woman. Two factorial experiments were conducted. The results showed that: 1. Man stimulated by sexu- al appeal was more likely to choose a gold mobile phone than a black one, partially moderated by mate attraction motive. 2. Activating a motive to guard one's mate triggered women to choose a black (compared with gold) mobile phone to her romantic partner (compared with to non-romantic relationship man). Results suggest that stimulated by a sexy woman, man shows higher intention to signal wealth to attract potential mate, whereas woman, in order to protect a romantic relationship, tend to prevent her romantic partner to show wealth.
作者 韦夏 高照军
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2014年第4期358-366,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71402099) 深圳大学青年教师科研启动项目(201455)
关键词 性感刺激 配偶吸引动机 配偶维系动机 色彩营销 两性冲突 sexy stimuli, mate attraction, mate guarding, color marketing, sexual conflict
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