

The Particular Meaning of Li Zhi's Collection of Writings Begun at the Lake in the History of Studying The New Accounts of the Tales of the World
摘要 作为晚明时期的重要思想家和文学批评家,李贽的思想及性格与魏晋风度一脉相承而又同中有异。李贽一生酷嗜《世说新语》,并曾做过评点,其晚年编撰的《初潭集》一书,又采录《世说新语》近800条,其中180余条有评点。然李贽却称《初潭集》为"儒书",无论体例还是思想旨趣,均与其他"世说体"小说不同,反映了晚年李贽虽然行止狂狷,本质上仍是一心系孔门的儒家士人。《初潭集》在《世说》研究史乃至思想史上的独特意义与价值,无疑值得重新审视。 As an important thinker and literature critic in the late Ming period,Li Zhi's thoughts and personality fell in line with the character of the Wei and Jin era but also differed from it. Throughout his life,Li Zhi was extremely fond of The New Accounts of the Tales of the World and had made comments on the book. In his late years,he adopted almost 800 stories from The New Accounts of the Tales of the World in his edited volume entitled The Collection of Writings Begun at the Lake. Among the 800 stories,Li Zhi had commented on more than 180. However,Li Zhi referred to the Collection of Writings Begun at the Lake as a"Confucian book"whose style or purport were different from those novels bore similar styles to The New Accounts of the Tales of the World. This shows that Li Zhi in his late years was in nature still a scholar loyal to Confucianism despite his crazy behaviors. There is no denying that The Collection of Writings Begun at the Lake deserves new attention to its particular meaning and value in the research history and intellectual history of The New Accounts of the Tales of the World.
作者 刘强
出处 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期38-45,共8页
基金 上海市哲学社会科学一般课题"世说新语研究史"阶段性成果(项目编号:2008BWY010)
关键词 李贽 《世说新语》 《初潭集》 评点 Li Zhi The Collection of Writings Begun at the Lake The Collection of Writings Begun at the Lake Comments
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  • 1《初谭集》卷十一《师友》.
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