
破坏性领导研究:定义、整合与展望 被引量:2

Destructive Leadership Research-Definition,Integration,and Future Direction
摘要 近来有关破坏性领导的研究逐渐引起学者们的关注,虽然描述破坏性领导的构念较多,但是缺乏统一的定义与理论框架。基于此,首先回顾了破坏性领导的相关概念并提出了一个基于过程视角的破坏性领导定义。该定义强调破坏性领导是一种基于法定权威的过程或行为,其对象不仅仅限于下属,而是组织的全体利益相关者;其判定标准是是否对组织的合法利益造成侵害。其次,提出了一个综合性的理论框架,以便从整体视角理解破坏性领导研究。最后,提出了未来的研究方向与建议。 Although the research of destructive leadership winning attentions of an increasing number of scholars ,there are also a lot of urgent problems need to be resolved such as the multiplicity of constructs used to describe the destructive lead‐ership and the lack of the unified definition and theoretical framework .The study includes three parts .Firstly ,it provides a definition of destructive leadership from the process perspective .The definition emphasizes that :(1) destructive leading is a process or behavior that based on the legitimate authority ,(2) its objects are all stakeholders not only the subordi‐nates ,and (3) the judgment standard is that if it has brought harm to organizational benefits .Secondly ,an integrative theoretical framework is proposed to help to understand the destructive leadership research from a holistic perspective .Fi‐nally ,the paper suggests the directions for future research .
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期154-160,共7页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71032002 71232014)
关键词 破坏性领导 过程视角 理论框架 研究展望 利益相关者 Destructive Leadership Definition Theoretical Framework Research Agenda
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