
网络租金的测量研究 被引量:4

Measurement Research on Network Rent
摘要 已有研究表明,网络租金确实存在,不能形成网络租金或者网络租金分配不合理,都会影响网络组织合作的成败。但是,目前对网络租金的测量研究很匮乏,以致对网络租金的认识仍存在很多疑惑。本研究试图构建网络租金的测量维度与量表,旨在为后续研究奠定可操作的基础,为实践者提供衡量网络租金的依据。分析发现,网络组织的功能、网络成员的结网动机与网络租金的内涵有着高度的一致性,进而从理论上提出了网络租金的测量量表,并通过信度检验、效度检验和验证性因子分析,对量表进行了实证检验,最终形成了三个维度、10个题项的测量量表。三个维度包括交易费用的减少、李嘉图租金与熊彼特租金。交易费用减少的题项包括搜寻成本、签约成本、履约成本与监督成本的减少;李嘉图租金的题项包括资源整合所产生的销售额、净利润、市场份额的增长;熊彼特租金的题项包括学习创新所带来的技术、产品或服务、管理方面的创新与改进。 With the change of external environment including market demand and technology innovation, the enterprises need to allocate resources reasonably to deal with the change in order to survive and develop. However, the internal resources of the enterprise are limited, and the individual enterprise cannot own all key resources which cannot be got easily from the market. So network organization becomes an effective governance mechanism. The present research indicates that network rent does exist, and the creation and distribution of network rent are very important to the efficiency of network organization. However, there was little research on network rent measurement. So there exist puzzles about what network rent is. This article tries to construct the measurement scale of network rent, which aims to establish the operating and measuring base for the creation and distribution of network rent. In the first part, the measurement structure of network rent is presented based on the literature review. Lu Fu- cai defines network rent as the total profits network organization members create minus the sum of individual organi- zation profit. Dyer and Singh present the common benefits and private benefits from the view of resource-based. This article thinks that network rent is created by network resources and capabilities, which are generated during the course of long-term network organization cooperation. Network resources and capabilities contribute to informa- tion sharing, trust, resources matching, learning and innovation. So the measurement structure contains the de- crease of transaction cost and the increase of transaction income, which includes Ricardian Rent, Schumpeterian Rent, and Chanaberlinian Rent. In the second part, the measurement scale of network rent is presented. The first version of measurement scale is based on the present literature and received feedback of about sixty middle and senior managers in the enterpri- ses. The second version of measurement scale is formed by revising according to the feedback and the experts' sug- gestions. The investigate data is collected by network questionnaire which is based on the measurement scale. There are 158 effective questionnaires from some MBA and graduate students in Beijing University of Technology, who un- derstand the research backgrounds or have some enterprises experience. In the third part, the measurement scale of network rent is verified. The method of Cronbach' s Alpha is used to do the reliability test and the measurement scale passes the test, which means the measurement scale is reliable. The exploratory factor analysis is used to do the construct validity test and the measurement scale passes the test, which means the measurement scale is effective. The confirmatory factor analysis is used to evaluate the fitting de- gree of the measurement model and the investigation data, where structure equation model is applied. The software AMOS 17.0 is used to analyze the fitting degree and the results verify the model is acceptable and valid. Finally, the article draws a conclusion and presents some prospect. The measurement model includes three di- mensions by revising the original measurement structure and scale, which are the decrease of transaction cost, Ri- cardian Rent, Schumpeterian Rent. The decrease of transaction cost mainly reflects the cost of searching, signing contract, performing and monitoring. Ricardian Rent mainly reflects the increase of sales, net profit and market share by the resources integration and complementation. Schumpeterian Rent mainly reflects the improvement and innovation on the technology, product, service and management. The three dimensions are correlated each other, which provide the way how to create network rent. Ricardian Rent and Schumpeterian Rent are correlated mostly, which means the coordination between them should be pay more attention. Ricardian Rent as well as Schumpeterian Rent is the core of network rent.
作者 杨娟 阮平南
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期149-155,共7页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"网络组织复杂性测试及应对策略研究"(13CGL002)
关键词 网络租金 测量 结构方程模型 network rent measurement structural equation model
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