
气候暖湿变化对黑河流域绿洲农业生产的影响 被引量:5

Influence of climate warming and humidifying to oasis agricultural production in Heihe River basin
摘要 利用黑河流域上中游6个气象台站1959—2009年气象资料,黑河50年流量资料及张掖市30年小麦、玉米生育资料,探讨流域气候变暖、增湿背景下农业气候条件、水文特征变化对农作物种植结构、作物布局、生育期进程和产量的影响。研究表明:近50年黑河流域增温趋势明显,中、上游地区增温趋势尤为显著,其上游地区倾向率最大,达0.53℃·10a-1,中游地区达0.35℃·10a-1;热量条件好转,≥0℃积温,上游、中游、中下游分别比60年代增加151.1℃、387.6℃、247.3℃;降水趋势中游地区变化平缓,中、上游地区秋、冬两季明显增加,其倾向率中游地区达3.38 mm·10a-1,上游地区达13.87 mm·10a-1;气候变暖、增湿有利于农业生产发展,使农业生产潜力增大,但水、热不同季,时空差异大,使易受春旱和春末夏初干旱威胁的高耗水、喜温凉气候的春小麦、水稻等作物产量增长趋势变缓,生育进程加快,发育期缩短,近10年春小麦发育期比20世纪80年代平均缩短了4 d,适宜种植区面积减小,品质下降;而品质好,经济效益高且喜温的玉米、棉花适宜种植区面积扩大,种植海拔上限提升,玉米中晚熟品种种植适宜区上限高度已由海拔1 500 m提升到海拔1 800 m左右,作物发育期延长,近10年发育期比20世纪80年代延长了13 d,产量提高;气候湿润指数呈周期性波动性变化,20世纪80年代中期以前呈波动性上升趋势,以后由于流域内增温幅度大于增湿幅度,水、热增长趋势失衡,使得气候湿润指数缓慢下降。导致高山冰川、积雪融化速度加快,河流来水量增加,水资源过度消耗,对流域内绿洲农业可持续发展影响巨大。 Based on the data of 6 meteorological observation station at the upstream and midstream of Heihe River from 1959 to 2009 ,the flow data of Heihe River 50 years ,wheat and maize’s growth data of 30 years in Zhangye ,in or-der to investigate what influence will happen to the Crop planting structure ,crop layout ,process of growth period and yield at the climate warming ,humidifying background conditions of agricultural climate changes and The change of hydro-logical characteristics .Research shows that:basin warming trend is obvious In recent 50 years Heihe ,especially the up-stream and midstream ,the upstream at a rate of 0 .53 ℃·10a-1 ,middle area is 0 .35 ℃·10a-1 ;The heat condition improved markedly , Greater than 0℃ of accumulated temperature of upstream , midstream and downstream reaches 151 .1℃ ,387 .6℃ ,247 .3℃ ;The variation trend of precipitation over the middle area area is flat ,the upstream area increased significantly in autumn and winter ,up to 3 .38 mm·10a-1 at the middle region and 13 .87 mm·10a-1 up-stream;Climate warming ,humidifying is advantageous to the development of agricultural production ,increased agricul-tural production potential;But the water , heat in different season , temporal and spatial difference is big , leading to Spring wheat ,rice and other crops yield growth trend got slowly ,The growth process got fast ,puberty got shortly which was susceptible threated by the drought at spring and Late spring or early summer ,the growth period Spring wheat has shortened four days than in the 1980s average in recent 10a ,at the same time ,the suitable area is reduced ,quality de-cline;and which is at good quality and high economic benefit and thermophilic ,such as maize and cotton ,suitable area is expanding ,The altitude of planting is improving ,the Planting suitable ceiling height of late varieties of maize has Up-graded from an elevation of 1 500 m to about 1 800 m ,crop growth period prolonged developmental duration ,nearly 10 years of development period has been extended 13 days more than 80 years of last century ,yield increasing obviously ;Humid climate index fluctuates periodically change ,A rising volatility trend was found in The mid 80’s of last centuty , after this temperature increases faster than humidity in this basin ,water and heat shows imbalance growth trend ,which lead to the humid climate index declined slowly .As a result ,mountain glaciers and snow melting speed ,river water in-crease ,water resource was consumpted excessively ,which made huge influence to oasis agriculture sustainable develop-ment .
出处 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期225-232,共8页 Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
关键词 黑河流域绿洲 暖湿变化 农业生产 生育期 水资源 Heihe River basin oasis the warm and wet changes agricultural production growth period water re-sources
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