通过力学性能试验、高温持久试验、金相检验、扫描电镜及能谱分析,对国产S30432内壁喷丸钢管在1 000 MW超超临界锅炉高温过热器、屏式过热器和高温再热器上运行1.7×104 h后的微观组织、力学性能及抗腐蚀能力进行了分析研究。结果表明:该钢管的组织、性能仍完全满足相关标准的要求,钢管内表面抗蒸汽氧化能力优良。
By means of mechanical property test, high-temperature creep rupture test, metallographic examination, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) analysis, the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of domestic S30432 steel tubes with shotpeened inner surface and 1.7 ×10^4 service hours were investigated for high-temperature superheater, screen type superheater and reheater of a 1 000 MW ultra supercritical boiler unit. Results show that the steel tubes have the structure and properties fully meeting the requirements of relevant standards, i.e. the inner surface still has excellent steam oxidation resistance.
Power Equipment