

On the Literary Creations of Xian Bei Royal Family in the Northern Zhou Dynasty
摘要 北周建立之初,文学及学术文化颇显滞后。太祖宇文泰出于政治目的重用汉族文士,客观上对北周文学及文化发展起到一定的推动作用。至世宗宇文毓、高祖宇文邕时,由于王褒、庾信等由南入北的杰出文人的引领带动,鲜卑皇族统治者高度重视并频繁倡导各种学术活动及文学创作,皇室藩王及贵族纷纷投身于文学实践,北周文学真正迎来发展转机。北周鲜卑皇族的文学作品多为应用诗文,由最初的崇尚实用、以朴拙质直为本,转向后来的仿效、学习南朝文风,讲究藻饰、声律、对偶、用典等艺术技巧,最终融南、北两种文风于一体。虽然北周鲜卑皇族的文学创作数量不多,但充分反映出宇文鲜卑民族文学发展的进程及风格特点,在文学史上理应占有一席之地。 At the beginning of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the literature and the academic culture lagged behind. In order to achieve political purposc,Yuwen tai attached great importance to utilize talents of the Han nationality, objectively promoting the devel- opment of the literature and the culture in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. In the time of Yuwen yu and Yuwen yong, under the lead of some outstanding talents like Wang Bao and Yu Xin who moved from south to north,Xian Bei royal rulers paid high attention to and frequently advocated various academic activities and literary creations. Thus, the royal kings and nobles also devoted themselves into the literary practises and the turning point of developing literature in Northern Zhou Dynasty appeared. The royal rulers? literatures were mostly applied poems and articles which had transformed from initially advocating pragmatic, plain and upright style to laterly im- itating and learning the style of the Southern Dynasty which strived for modification,rhythm,antithesis, allusion and other techniques, and eventually the two kinds of style, southern and northern style, were integrated into one. Though there were limited quantities of literary creations of Xian Bei royal family in Northern Zhou Dynasty, these works were adequately reflected the process of ethnic liter- ary development and the characteristics of Yuwen Xian Bei and should win a place in the history of literature.
作者 刘涛
出处 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期35-40,共6页 Research of Chinese Literature
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十二五"规划2014年度一般项目"南朝骈文文体形式与文体批评研究"(GD14CZW06)的阶段性成果
关键词 北周 鲜卑皇族 文学创作 The Northern Zhou Dynasty The Xian Bei royal family literary creation
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