
再论英语动结式中的宾语选择——基于因果链注意视窗理论的认知新探 被引量:2

A Cognitive Exploitation of Object Selection in English Resultatives Based on the Theory of Causal Chain Windowing of Attention
摘要 英语动结式中的宾语选择特点可以由因果链注意视窗理论来解释。动结式中动词选择应有宾语、非应有宾语还是假宾语取决于因果链事件框架中哪些部分在窗口化过程中开启了视窗:当事件框架中施事、目标结果子事件以及子事件中参与者的受影响情况开启视窗时,含应有宾语的动结式是该窗口化过程的具体语言实现;当施事与中间子事件以及其中参与者的受影响情况开启视窗时,含非应有宾语的动结式是该过程的具体语言实现;当施事与身体行动子事件以及其中参与者的受影响情况开启视窗时,含假宾语的动结式是该过程的具体语言实现。 The object selection in English resultatives can be explained by the theory of causal chain windowing of attention. Whether the verb in the English resultative selects subcategorized object, unsubcategorized object or fake reflexive is determined by which parts of the causal chain event are windowed. When the agent, the intended final resulting subevent and the exact result are windowed, the English resultative with subcategorized object is the realization of such windowing; when the agent, the intermediate subevent and its exact result are windowed, the English resultative with unsubcategoried object is the realization; when the agent, the bodily motion subevent and its exact result are windowed, the English resultative with fake reflexive is the realization.
作者 袁毅敏 王诚
出处 《天津外国语大学学报》 2015年第1期18-22,共5页 Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费项目"从英语动结式角度探究句法语义界面"(A03007023801154) 电子科技大学科研启动经费项目"英语动词分类"(Y02002011301012) 教育教改项目"英语专业校外教学实习平台建设"(Y02012023701194)
关键词 英语动结式 宾语选择 因果链注意视窗理论 English resultatives object selection causal chain windowing of attention
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