为了评估光收发模块I2C通信的鲁棒性,设计了I2C总线极限测试控制器。根据I2C通信协议,设计超出极限一定范围的参数,在CPLD(复杂可编程逻辑器件)上通过Verilog HDL设计该控制器,主要实现频率测试和线路特性测试两大类功能,通过软件仿真和硬件实现验证了设计的正确性。该控制器也可以实现对其他种类I2C从器件的测试,只需更改设备地址、偏移地址等相关参数即可。
This paper designs an I2 C bus limit test controller for assessing the robustness of the I2 C bus communication of opti-cal transceiver modules.In this design,the parameters exceed the limits by a certain range according to the I2 C communication protocol.This controller is designed on CPLD using Verilog HDL,which is used to perform two main functions,I2 C frequency test and bus line characteristics test.Software simulation and hardware implementation verify the correctness of this design. This controller can also conduct tests of other kinds of I2 C slave devices with the only need to change device address,offset ad-dress and other relevant parameters.
Study on Optical Communications