
一种基于动态概率转发的AODV路由协议 被引量:1

An AODV routing protocol based on dynamic probabilistic forwarding
摘要 在Ad hoc网络(自组织网络)的路由建立过程中,由于AODV(Ad hoc按需距离矢量)路由采用洪泛方式转发RREQ(路由请求)消息会产生很多不必要的重传,很可能引发广播风暴而影响网络性能。文章提出了一种基于动态概率转发RREQ消息的改进方案,该方案根据邻居节点的个数选择不同的概率转发RREQ消息。仿真结果表明,在网络节点较多且网络比较稠密的情况下,改进方案能有效减少网络端到端时延,提高网络吞吐量和分组投递率。 In routing establishment for Ad hoc networks,Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV)routing protocol adopts flooding forwarding for Route Request (RREQ)messages,which will generate a lot of unnecessary retransmission and may cause broadcast storm,thus affecting the network performances.In view of this problem,this paper proposes an improved scheme based on dynamic probabilistic forwarding,in which it selects different probabilistic forwarding for RREQ messages ac-cording to the number of neighbor nodes.The results show that this scheme effectively reduces the network end-to-end delay and improves the network throughtput and packet delivery rate,especially when there are more nodes in the network and the network is dense.
作者 洪家军 周原
出处 《光通信研究》 北大核心 2015年第1期60-63,共4页 Study on Optical Communications
基金 福建省教育厅国内访问学者资金资助 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(A类)资助(JA14279)
关键词 AD HOC 网络 AODV 路由协议 RREQ 消息 仿真 Ad hoc network AODV routing protocol RREQ message simulation
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