就我个人而言,兰特荷大厦是极具吸引力的。的确,它令人印象深刻;的确,它是工程史上的惊人之举;但更重要的是,它的通透性和可达性是伦敦其他建筑所缺失的。它引人注目。人们也可以从它的身上得到归属感。For me,The Leadenhall Building is about drawing people in.Yes,it's impressive;yes,it's an incredible feat of engineering;but it's also permeable and accessible in a way so many other buildings in the City are not.It engages people-they feel it belongs to them.这栋50层高的大厦位于伦敦劳埃德大厦对面,建筑高度达到了224.5米(802英尺)。在高楼林立的伦敦市区,它以修长的形态奠定了自己独特的地位。
This 50-storey tower opposite Lloyd's of London rises to a height of 224.5 metres (802 feet), its slender form creating its own distinctive profile within an emerging cluster of tall buildings in this part of the City of London. The building's tapering profile is prompted by a requirement to respect views of St Paul's Cathedral, in particular from Fleet Street.