目的:设计一种应用于角膜胶原交联术的紫外LED照射仪,可进行光强均匀的照射,以满足角膜胶原术的需求。方法:以资源丰富的C8051F410单片机作为控制系统核心,采用触摸屏作为人机交互界面,并通过精密电阻对工作电流进行采样,以实时监控紫外LED的工作状态;通过使用光学设计软件ZEMAX设计和优化的非球面镜匀光系统,实现紫外LED均匀照明。结果:在距离透镜45 mm、直径约为12 mm的范围内实现了均匀光强分布。最大辐照度为90.223 5 m W/cm2,探测器光通量为247.3 m W,光源能量利用率为60%。结论:该紫外LED照射仪在均匀度和辐照度方面均达到了角膜胶原交联术的需求,并在医院眼科中心通过对小白兔眼睛的照射实验已经验证了照射仪的性能,可以满足角膜胶原交联术的需求。
Objective To design a UV-LED irradiator with uniform illumination in order to meet the need of corneal collagen cross-linking. Methods C8051F410 was used as the core unit, and touch screen as the interface. Precision resistance was applied to sampling of working current in order to monitor the status of UV-LED irradiator at real time.Optical software ZEMAX was used to design and optimize the aspheric lens to realize uniform illumination. Results At a distance of 45 mm from lens the irradiator achieved uniform irradiance in 12 mm diameter area. Irradiance maximum value was 90.223 5 m W/cm2, radiant flux was 247.3 m W, and utilization factor reached 60 percent. Conclusion The performance of the irradiator can fully meet the needs of corneal collagen cross-linking. In the rabbit eyes irradiation experiments the performance of the UV-LED irradiation has been verified.
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal