Objective To study the changes of target volumes of the bladder and cervix in image-guided radiotherapy.Methods With the bladder self filled and the width and position fixed, the contours of the bladder and cervix were sketched out in the simulated positioning CT and CBCT images, and the volumes of the bladder and cervix were calculated in turn for Vb-ct, Vb-cbct, Vc-ctand Vc-cbctwith the planning system, then the relationships between the volume changes and radiotherapy time were compared. Results The bladder and cervix volumes sketched in CBCT images were different with those in simulated CT images. The maximum percentage and minimum one for the increased and decreased bladder volumes were 16.24%, 0.94%,-35.15% and-8.87% respectively, and those for the increased and decreased cervix volumes were 21.26%,-13.5%,-76% and-37.41% respectively. The maximum, minimum and mean values of the relative volumes of the bladder were 1.5, 0.65 and 0.96 respectively, those of the cervix were 1.2, 0.24 and 0.76 respectively, and the mean values of the relative volume of the cervix after 5-week radiotherapy were 0.97, 0.91, 0.78,0.62 and 0.50 respectively. The target volume of the cervix decreased with the radiotherapy, especially two weeks after.Conclusion Image-guided radiotherapy can ensure the treatment precision of the cervical cancer, and target area online monitoring and modifying plan in time may realize self-adaptive radiotherapy for it.
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal
cone beam CT
bladder volume
cervical target volume
cervical cancer