

Routing Algorithm for Opportunistic Network Based on Hybrid Strategy
摘要 针对机会网络中传统路由算法对转发节点的选择考虑不周,导致消息投递率较低和网络性能不高的问题,提出一种基于混合策略的路由算法BHS(routing algorithm for opportunistic network Based on Hybrid Strategy)。该算法根据转发节点的剩余缓存空间百分比、剩余能量状态、与目的节点相遇概率以及信任度4个因素,计算各个转发节点将消息成功投递到目的节点的混合策略值,通过综合转发策略来决定消息最佳的下一跳转发节点。仿真结果表明,与传染路由以及单方面考虑转发节点能量、缓存空间、概率和信任度的路由相比,BHS在消息投递率、平均延迟时间和平均缓存时间等方面比上述路由协议的性能更好。 In view of the low delivery ratio and network considering more factors in opportunistic networks, an performance of conventional routing algorithm without improved routing algorithm Based on Hybrid Strategy (BHS) is put forward. Primarily based on the remaining percentage of buffer, the percentage of residual energy, the probabilities meeting the destination and reputation, this algorithm is employed to calculate the value of forwarding nodes. Through comparing the value, nodes could determine message whether to be forwarded. The simulation results show that, compared with traditional epidemic routing, probabilistic routing, trust priority routing, energy priority routing and buffer priority routing, the proposed routing scheme has a progress in the delivery ratio of message, the average delay time and the average buffer time.
出处 《北京联合大学学报》 CAS 2015年第1期63-69,共7页 Journal of Beijing Union University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61071118) 重庆市自然科学基金重点项目(csTc2010BA4010) 重庆邮电大学博士启动基金(A2012-29) 长江学者和创新团队发展计划资助(IRT1299) 重庆市科委重点实验室专项经费
关键词 机会网络 混合策略 传染路由 概率路由 Opportunistic network Comprehensive attribute Epidemic routing Prophet routing
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