
人不同年龄与部位肋软骨膜的形态学研究 被引量:4

Human costal perichondrium as donor site-age and site dependent
摘要 目的比较人的肋软骨膜是否随年龄和部位的不同而有所区别,为临床应用肋软骨膜作为供体修复关节软骨缺损提供依据。方法取自不同原因死亡的新鲜尸体18具,男性15具,女性3具。年龄23~84岁,平均51.94岁。取材时间为死亡后4h~5d,平均2.5d。每具尸体各取8个不同的解剖部位进行组织学和组织化学分析。结果人的肋软骨膜厚度为0.175~0.375mm(平均0.292mm),细胞数为0~1408/mm2(平均602/mm2)。统计学分析显示:肋软骨膜细胞数量和基质中Safranin-O染色随年龄增加而减少,肋软骨膜的厚度与年龄无显著差异,取材部位不影响软骨膜的厚度、软骨细胞的数量及基质Safranin-O染色特性。结论肋软骨膜的厚度不随年龄而变化,软骨膜的细胞数量及基质中糖蛋白含量随年龄的增加而减少。肋软骨膜的厚度,软骨细胞的数量及基质的染色特性并不受取材部位的影响。 Objective The study found out whether the thickness and chondrocytes density of the perichondrium are dependent on the age of the patient and the location of the costal cartilage.Methods Eighteen cadaver costal cartilage specimens were collected, which age was 23~84 years(mean 51.94 years). Eight different sites of the costal cartilage were marked at 8th, 9th and 10th ribs in every specimen and were studied. The collected data were analysed with SPSS for Windows 9.0.Results The thickness of the perichondrium ranged from 0.175~0.375mm (mean 0.292mm). The number of chondrocytes ranged from 0~1408 cells per mm2 (mean 602 cells per mm2). In the bivariate correlation analysis, the density population of the chondrocytes and the staining property by Safranin O of the perichondrial matrix were significantly correlated with the age inversely. There was no significant correlation between the age of the specimens and the thickness of the perichondrium. The sites of the costal cartilage did not have significant influence on the thickness of perichondrium, the density population of the chondrocytes and the staining property on the matrix by Safranin O.Conclusion The thickness of the costal perichondrium does not change with age. The density population of chondrocytes in the perichondrium and the matrix staining property by Safranin O decrease with age. The thickness, density population of the chondrocytes and the matrix staining property by Safranin O of the perichondrium do not vary with the location of the costal cartilage.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 2002年第14期2057-2058,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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