针对地铁减振扣件(GJ-III,DTVI2)在实际使用中对于轨道道床振动的减振效果,利用车辆-轨道耦合动力学模型,采用等效集总质量法,将连续轨道简化为具有有限自由度的弹簧-质量系统,避免了四阶不连续偏微分方程的求解。利用多体动力学软件simpack进行计算,并与在线测试的数据进行对比,计算出GJ-III扣件相对于DTVI2扣件,道床减振量的数值模拟值Z振级在垂向为8.5 d B,横向为7.4 d B,计算结果与实测数据基本一致。
In order to evaluate the vibration reduction effect of fasteners( GJ-III,DTVI2) in actual use,the wheel-rail coupling dynamics model is simplified by equivalent lumped mass method. The continuous track system was simplified into the multi mass-stiffness system with limited degrees of freedom,which can avoid the process of solving the four order partial differential equations of rail dynamics. The MBS software Simpack is used to do simulation,and the result is compared with the actual online test data. The calculated result shows that the slab vibration insertion loss of 8. 5 d B in the vertical direction and 7. 4 d B in the lateral direction has been achieved by GJ-III rail fastener,which is very close to the online test results.
Development and Application of Materials