
针刺联合拔罐放血治疗带状疱疹60例临床观察 被引量:3

Clinical Observation of 60 Cases of Herpes Zoster Acupuncture Combined with Cupping Therapy Bloodletting
摘要 [目的]观察针刺联合拔罐放血治疗带状疱疹疗效。[方法]使用前瞻性设计方法,对60例门诊患者针刺:取穴大椎、肝俞双、胆俞双、华佗夹脊穴双、阳陵泉双、太冲双、阿是穴。侧卧位,常规消毒,点刺疱疹红晕处,点刺部位与疱疹之间距离0.1~1cm,深度2mm,呈椭圆形或马蹄形点刺出血,使周围皮肤有散在出血点,以针尖刺破疱疹,达到基底为度;必要时针刺部位挤出少许血液;疱疹病灶头尾两端适当深刺3mm,"截住"疱疹不再发展,疱疹带中央沿皮平刺,不需包扎,用泻法,留针30min,1次/d;拔罐:起针后腰背、大腿内侧、髋部等处用5号玻璃火罐于针刺点穴处拔罐;闪罐法拔5~10min,拔至穴位局部充血,留罐2~3min;大椎、肝俞、胆俞用专用抽气罐,拔出5~10m L血液;相应节段夹脊奇穴向脊柱方向斜刺,旁开棘突0.5寸,呈45度夹角刺入,行捻转泻法,30min/次,隔日一次。连续治疗7次为1疗程。观测临床症状、皮损、不良反应。治疗1疗程,拔罐7次为1疗程,判定疗效。[结果]痊愈59例,有效1例,无效0例,总有效率100.00%。[结论]针刺联合拔罐放血治疗带状疱疹,疗效满意,无副作用,值得推广。 [Objective]Acupuncture combined with cupping bloodletting treatment of herpes zoster. [Methods]Using a prospective design methods, the 60 cases of outpatient acupuncture: acupoints Ojo, liver Yu double, double bile Yu, Jiaji Points pairs Yanglingquan pairs, Taichong double, Ashi. Lateral position, routine disinfection, acupuncture points above, at the prick herpes flush from 0.1~1cm between the prick site with herpes, the depth of 2mm, oval or horseshoe prick bleeding, scattered in the surrounding skin bleeding, with needle puncture herpes, reaching base for the degree; parts out a little when necessary acupuncture blood; herpes lesions deep puncture the head and tail ends of appropriate 3mm, "stopped" no longer develop herpes, herpes Pippin along with central spines, not need dressing, with reducing method, the needle 30 min, 1 times / d. Cupping: from the needle back, inner thighs, hips, etc. cupping glass with the 5th place in acupuncture acupuncture and cupping; flash tank method Stubbs 5 ~ 10 min, pulling to local congestion points, leaving tank 2 ~ 3min; Ojo, liver Yu, Danshu with special pumping cylinders, pull out 5 ~ 10 m L of blood; corresponding segments jiaji odd hole obliquely to the spine direction, next to the open spinous 0.5-inch, 45-degree angle piercing, twisting diarrhea underwent France, 30min/times, once every other day. Continuous treatment seven times for a course of treatment. Observation of clinical symptoms, skin lesions, adverse reactions. Treatment of a course of treatment, cupping seven times for a course of treatment to determine efficacy. [Results]Cured 59 cases, effective one case, invalid 0 cases, the total efficiency of 100.00%. [Conclusion]Bloodletting acupuncture and cupping treatment of herpes zoster combined effect is significant, it is worth promoting.
作者 贾曙光
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2014年第12期129-131,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 带状疱疹 缠腰火丹 针刺 拔罐 放血 皮损 中医药治疗 临床观察 Herpes zoster Acupuncture Cupping Lesions Chinese medicine treatment Clinical Observation
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