

Kinetics of Carbonation Reaction of Calcium-based Sorbents under Oxygen-enriched Combustion in Cement Industry
摘要 以天然石灰石煅烧制备的钙基捕集剂循环煅烧/碳酸化协同捕集水泥富氧燃烧工业烟气中的CO2为研究背景,采用热重分析仪对钙基捕集剂的碳酸化反应动力学进行研究。采用改进的双外推法对反应动力学参数进行计算。结果表明:化学控制阶段的反应模型是随机成核和随后生长模型,得到了最概然机理函数,反应级数为1/2;扩散控制阶段的反应模型是相边界反应收缩球模型,得到了最概然机理函数,反应级数为1/3;当气氛中CO2浓度由50%增加至80%时,化学控制和扩散控制两阶段的活化能分别由147.58和215.03kJ/mol降低至130.06和170.10kJ/mol。 The kinetics of carbonation reaction of calcium-based sorbents prepared from calcined limestone in a cyclic process of calcination and carbonation under the condition of oxygen-enriched combustion to capture COz from cement industrial flue gases was investigated v/a thermogravimetric analysis. The kinetic parameters of reaction were calculated by an improved double ex- trapolation method. The results show that the reaction model is a "randomly nucleation" model and a "followed growth" model as well. The reaction order is 1/2 in chemical control phase in the most probable mechanism function. Moreover, in the diffu- sion controlled phase, the reaction model is a "spherical interface contraction reaction" model, and the reaction order is 1/3 in the most probable mechanism function. When CO2 concentration increases from 50% to 80% in the atmosphere, the required reaction activation energy E decreases from 147.58 kJ/mol to 130.06 kJ/mol in the chemical controlled phase, and 215.03 kJ/ tool to 170. 10 kJ/mol in the diffusion controlled phase, respectively.
出处 《硅酸盐学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期1042-1046,共5页 Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society
基金 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20116120110013) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52174159) 陕西省重大科技创新项目(2012zk06-2)
关键词 钙基捕集剂 富氧燃烧技术 水泥工业 碳酸化反应 反应动力学 双外推法 calcium-based sorbents oxygen-enriched combustion technology cement industry carbonation reaction reactionkinetics improved double extrapolation method
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