
社会主义的结构与功能 被引量:3

The Structure and Function of Socialism
摘要 人的需求是社会发展的原动力。功能作为事物满足需求的特性,与结构紧密关联。由于人类主观能动性的存在,结构通常是可选择、可替代的,以服务于功能为目标。只有符合社会主义的功能要求、有利于社会主义功能实现的结构才是真正社会主义的。社会主义赖以建立的结构应当根据功能的要求而不断调整。围绕共同富裕功能的实现,必须摒弃有关社会主义的结构性成见,致力于国家治理体系的革新。为激发市场主体创造财富的活力,应灵活调整各种所有制经济的比重以保证充分竞争;为缩小市场机制造成的收入差异,应通过科学的累进税制和转移支付进行有效的再分配;为消除权力寻租造成的分配不公,应实施自下而上的民主与法律至上的治理。 Human need is the motive power of social development.It is the object's function to satisfy human needs.Though the object's structure is the major reason to determine its function to a great extent,as to meeting human needs,function is more important than structure,because of human's subjective initiatives to create and to choose.Under most circumstances,it's wrong to declare only aparticular structure can meet the needs,for there are other structures that can be the substitutions.Therefore,no social structure or system is so sacrosanct that it cannot be changed.The structure of socialism should also be determined by the socialist function.The advantage of socialism comes neither from any calculation formula nor fixed structures of human society,but its function to resolve serious problems in capitalist system,such as class polarization,economical crisis,etc.If one socialist structure can't make this,people may cast it away and seek another one.Thus,the function of socialism is clear while the structure of socialism can be different in different countries and under different conditions.The classic writers of Marxism have expounded socialism on both its structures andfunctions.However,they pay more and more attention to socialist structures while less and less to its functions with the change of socialism from theory to practice.Excessive stresses on structure and its solidification in reality bring up much trouble to social development,until Deng Xiaoping points out socialist functions with special emphasis unprecedentedly,which lay a foundation for China's Reform and Opening Up policy.According to his theory of socialist essence,the function of common prosperity is the most important thing to socialism,while the structure of ownership is only the means to achieve it.Such theory helps those people who regard aparticular structure as socialism itself to change their mind.To achieve socialist function of common prosperity in the primary stage of socialism,the government,on behalf of the whole society's interest,must discard the wrong perception on socialism and reform the national governance system.First,the proportion of different ownerships should be adjusted much more flexible according to the actual demands,which will help those market participants to compete equally and fully to bring more productivity.At the same time,the gap of wealth must be controlled in the acceptable range to the public by means of redistribution and social insurance system.It is achieving common prosperity that can bring political stability and social harmony.Second,the government must fight legally and effectively against those anti-market factors,such as corruption,monopoly and heredity which lead to polarizations between the rich and the poor.Democracy,constitutionalism and republicanism may originate from the West,but are not exclusive to the West.Without the rule of the people and the rule by law,problems like rent-seeking and autocracy may never be solved.In modern times,the legitimacy of political power is mainly based on the people's authorization but not on the control of economy and culture.Authoritarian regimes throughout history always spare no effort to control social wealth and ideology,but can never prevent them from being overturned.
作者 贾可卿
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期60-69,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(13BKS032)
关键词 社会主义 结构 功能 所有制 民主 法治 socialism structure function ownership democracy rule of law
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