
金融支持保障性住房建设的问题与政策研究 被引量:6

The Problems and Policy Suggestions on Financial Supports for Indemnificatory Housing
摘要 新型城镇化是今后一个时期我国经济社会建设的一项重要内容,当前我国正处于推进保障性住房大规模建设的中期阶段,需要获得更好的金融支持。本文基于调研资料,深入分析了当前我国保障性住房建设面临的四大问题:资金供需不平衡、政策实践难衔接、收益风险不匹配、借款主体难达标。在此基础上,本文借鉴国内外保障性住房的融资模式和经验,提出了金融更好支持保障性住房建设的政策思路:对保障性住房建设任务和配套措施等进行系统改革;健全相关法律法规,放宽政策限制;多措并举解决融资缺口;加强平台公司建设;做好保障性住房项目风险管控。 New urbanization is an important content of China's economic and social development. Our country is in the middle stage of the large-scale indemnificatory housing constructions, which requires more financial support. This paper studies the four problems in indemnificatory housing constructions based on investigations, which are imbalance of fund supply and demand, mismatch of policies and practices, mismatch of revenues and risks, and few borrowers meeting the loan standards. This paper then studies the successful international and domestic financial models supporting the indemnificatory housing constructions and proposes feasible policy suggestions to better support the indemnificatory housing constructions with finance, including reforming indemnificatory housing construction missions and supporting measures, improving relevant laws and regulations, relaxing policy restrictions, narrowing the fund gap, improving the platform companies, and strengthening risk management and control of indemnificatory housing construction.
机构地区 四川银监局
出处 《金融监管研究》 2015年第1期32-49,共18页 Financial Regulation Research
基金 中国银监会2014年重点政策研究课题"新型城镇化背景下金融支持保障性住房建设的政策研究"的部分研究成果
关键词 城镇化 保障性住房 房地产投资信托基金 PPP New Urbanization Indenmificatory Housing Real Estate Investment Fund PPP
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