
位置映射技术在图书定位与导航中的应用 被引量:3

Application of Location Mapping Technology in Book Positioning and Navigation
摘要 【目的】通过智能手机实现图书馆内图书快速定位与导航,提高图书寻找效率。【应用背景】读者在图书馆内查找书籍效率较低,需要一种新的图书快速定位和导航方式。【方法】建立路标系统及索书号和馆藏位置映射表,在手机中查找图书并查找相应馆藏位置,应用HEAA算法实现馆内图书导航。【结果】读者使用智能手机在馆内任意地点搜索定位图书,并导航到所在书架,查书效率能够提高一倍以上。【结论】此方案成本较低,实现、使用方便,定位和导航效果较好。 [Objective] In order to improve the efficiency of finding books in library, this article provides a library book location and navigation system based on smart phone. [Context] Readers often use a low efficient way to find books in library and they need a new method for fast book positioning and navigation. [Methods] Set up a landmark system and create a mapping table between books call number and their locations, and users can search books and their location by mobile, the system provides a navigation path by HEAA algorithm. [Results] Readers can search books and find their location in half-time than before. [Conclusions] This system is better than others in low cost, easy deployment and convenience. It has good accuracy in location and navigation.
出处 《现代图书情报技术》 CSSCI 2015年第2期85-90,共6页 New Technology of Library and Information Service
基金 江苏省高等职业院校国内高级访问学者计划资助项目(项目编号:2013-FX033) 江苏省教育技术研究所技术应用重点课题"基于智能终端的‘3A’管理平台建设与研究"(项目编号:2012-R-22370) 院级课题"校园精确导航与定位系统的设计"(项目编号:SGK201316)的研究成果之一
关键词 定位 导航 最短路径 HEAA算法 Location Navigation Shortest path HEAA algorithm
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