
三维MIMO阵列空间相关性分析 被引量:2

Spatial Correlation Analysis of 3D MIMO Array
摘要 主要研究了3D-MIMO阵列的空间相关性。首先给出全局坐标系下精确的3D-MIMO信道模型,为真实准确的信道相关性分析提供基础。接着推导了天线阵列沿不同方向摆放、电磁波水平和俯仰功率角度谱分布服从拉普拉斯分布情况下空间相关性的数学表达式,建立起空间相关性与信道参数的数学关系。最后通过3个仿真实验从不同角度验证了理论分析的准确性,对多个实验结果进行联合分析,得到空间相关性产生的根本原因及影响因素。 The spatial correlation of 3D MIMO arrays was investigated. First, the accurate channel model for 3D-MIMO in global coordinate system was presented. Based on the channel model, the closed-form formula of spatial correlation coefficient for different array position under Laplace power angle spectrum (PAS) distribution was derived. Finally, three examples were provided to confirm the validity of our analysis, and the reasons for generating spatial correlation were obtained.
出处 《电信科学》 北大核心 2015年第1期100-105,共6页 Telecommunications Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.61401354) 西安理工大学博士科研启动金资助项目(No.105-21B15)~~
关键词 三维MIMO 空间相关性 无线信道模型 3D-MIMO, spatial correlation, wireless channel model
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