
重庆市孤独症儿童治疗与社会保障研究 被引量:4

Research the Treatment and Social Security Status of Autism in Chongqing
摘要 目的:研究重庆市孤独症儿童治疗与受教育现状及其享有的社会保障制度。方法:在重庆市5所孤独症特教机构采用整群抽样的方法调查已确诊的42例孤独症患儿的家长或监护人并采用半结构式访谈的方法调查孤独症患儿的治疗、受教育及所获得的相关社会支持情况。结果:调查结果表明孤独症儿童的主要症状表现为性格孤僻、语言(智力)发育迟缓与学习困难。通过矫正治疗后,80%的家长反映有所好转,仅有25.64%的儿童矫正治疗后基本或完全能赶上所学课程,54.76%的孩子对某方面特别感兴趣,71.43%的家长认为老师应采取个体化康复训练,71.43%的家长愿意担任自愿者。结论:政府应进一步完善孤独症社会保障制度,投入经费支持孤独症相关教育及医疗事业发展。 Objective To research the treatment, education and social security system of autistic children in Chongqing, and put forward the corresponding policy recommendations. Methods Cluster sampling survey method was used to choose 42 cases of chil- dren with autism from 5 autism special education institutions in Chongqing, and semi-structured interviews investigation was used to survey the treatment, education and related social support of children with autism. Results The survey showed that withdrawn, lan- guage (intelligence) retardation and learning difficulties was the main symptoms of children with autism, some children showed sensory integration dysfunction, and other showed developmental disorders such as ADHD children. 80% parents reported their children improved after orthodontic treatment, only 25.64% children can basic or fully catch up study course after treatment. 52. 38% percent of parents do not know how to do for the next step ,47.62% percent of parents want for a normal enrollment ,54.76% percent of children have particular interest in certain areas,71.43% percent of parents think that teachers should adopt individual- ized rehabilitation,95.24% percent of parents believe that the income of special education teacher should be higher than regular teachers,71. 43% percent of parents are willing to serve as volunteers. The results indicate that there is social discrimination for children with autism, and the social security system and the education system is imperfect for autism now. Conclusion The govern- ment should further improve the social security system of autism, and supply funds to support the development of education and health care, and establish of public special education schools or training institutions for autism.
出处 《中国卫生事业管理》 北大核心 2015年第2期120-123,共4页 Chinese Health Service Management
基金 重庆九龙坡区科委"儿童孤独症危险因素研究"(编号:2013-1)
关键词 孤独症 治疗 教育 社会保障 autism treatment education social security
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