
一个机器检测的Micro-Dalvik虚拟机模型 被引量:5

Machine-Checked Model for Micro-Dalvik Virtual Machine
摘要 给出了一个寄存器架构的虚拟机模型Micro-Dalvik,包括虚拟机指令集和虚拟机运行时状态的形式化,并以大步操作语义(big-step operational semantics)的方式给出了指令单步执行的状态转换以及定义在单步执行上的自反传递闭包来表达虚拟机程序的运行时状态转换.最后,以定理的形式描述了语义满足的性质,并得到证明.这个模型的指令集包括了大部分Dalvik虚拟机指令,为获得形式语义的清晰化,它在Dalvik VM指令集上进行了必要的抽象,对其实质没有改变,因而具有较大的实用性.该形式化模型通过了定理证明助手Isabelle/HOL的验证. This paper introduces Micro-Dalvik, a formalized Dalvik-like VM model to exhibit core features of the register-based architecture. This formal specification describes the instruction set and runtime state, and the runtime behaviors of the instructions as state transitions based on big-step operational semantics. The Miero-Dalvik VM instruction set is more abstract than comparable Dalvik VM to attain clarity of its semantics, but bears no further simplification of the meaning of instructions. Some properties of Micro-Dalvik VM semantics are stated based on this formal specification and sketch of the proofs is provided. This formalization is implemented in the theorem proof assistant Isabelle/HOL.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期364-379,共16页 Journal of Software
基金 国家自然科学基金(91118003 61170022)
关键词 大步操作语义 形式化验证 定理证明 寄存器架构的虚拟机 big-step operational semantics formal verification theorem proving register-based VM
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