Plantlets of Ilex centrochinensis were used in its tissue culture to study the effect of auxin and gibberellin in vitro rooting, and the effect of various matrix in transplanting rooted plantlets and in rooting outside the tube. The highest fre- quency of rooting was obtained when growth regulator combination was IBA 0.2 mg/L + GA3 0.4 mg/L in vitro rooting, and when the ratio of sand and humus soil was 5 to 5 in rooting outside the tube. When the ratio of perlite and peat soil was 3 to 7, the highest survival of rooted plantlets in transplanting was obtained. This study may provide the basis for improving the factory system of tissue culture of llex centrochinensis.
以华中枸骨组培苗为材料研究了生长素和赤霉素对其试管内生根的影响,以及各种基质对生根苗移栽与试管外生根的影响。结果表明:华中枸骨试管内生根较好的生长调节剂配比为IBA 0.2 mg/L+GA30.4 mg/L;生根苗移栽较好的基质配比为珍珠岩:泥炭土=3:7;试管外生根较好的基质配比为河沙∶腐殖土=5∶5。该研究可为完善华中枸骨的组培工厂化体系提供依据。