
行业特色型高水平大学的国际标杆探索 被引量:5

On the World Benchmark of the High-level Universities with Clear-cut Professional Characteristics
摘要 对比2013年NTU及QS排行榜中农科大学的排名可知,在世界公认的农科前20强大学中,没有以"农"命名的大学;中国最好农科大学的农科实力在世界50名之后,其总体排名在世界500名之后。行业特色型高水平大学也有类似情况。其未来发展的国际标杆有以下选择:一是世界知名行业特色型大学(世界大学500强及同类院校前1%),二是世界知名特色型大学(世界大学200强及特色学科排名前1‰),三是世界一流大学特色型学院(世界大学50强及特色学科前1‰)。无论选何标杆,综合化都是其必备条件。可供高水平农科大学参照的模版是德克萨斯农工大学或瓦赫宁根大学、加州大学戴维斯分校及密西根州立大学,而美国康奈尔大学、加州大学伯克利分校及威斯康星大学则是涉农综合性大学的国际标杆。 Based on the analysis of both NTU and QS University Rankings in 2013, it's concluded that among the world top 20 universities possessing the agricultural discipline, there is not any university with a name containing "agriculture"; and China's best agricultural university ranks after 50th in agricultural disciplinary ranking and after 500th as to the overall strength. This situation also exists in other clear-cut professional characterized universities. There are three kinds of benchmarks for these universities: 1) The world-renowned clear-cut professional characterized universities, which rank within world top 500 and 1% among the same type universities; 2) The world-renowned characterized universities, which rank within world top 200 and 1%0 for their rankings in characterized disciplinary field;3) The characterized college of world-first-class universities, which rank within world top 50 and 1%0 for their rankings in characterized disciplinary field. For any of the benchmark, to be comprehen- sive is the essential condition. The alternative templates for high-level agricultural universities are Texas A & M University as well as Michigan State University, California University-Davies and the University of Wageningen. Nevertheless, Cornell University, University of California at Berkeley and University of Wisconsin perhaps should he taken as world models for domestic comprehensive universities possessing agricultural discipline.
出处 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期56-61,共6页 Research in Higher Education of Engineering
基金 江苏省教育科学"十二五"规划2013年度高教重点资助课题"涉农高水平大学的发展战略研究"(B-a/2013/01/003)的部分研究成果
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