
广东省困难气道处理清醒插管现状调查及分析 被引量:2

Preliminary survey on awake intubation for management of anticipated difficult airway in Guangdong province
摘要 目的.对广东省部分二级以上医疗机构困难气道管理清醒插管技术的现状进行调查,为改进和完善气道管理提供参考。方法采用邮寄调查问卷的方法,对全省66家医院进行调查,按照医院等级分为三甲和二甲两组。问卷内容包括困难气道时麻醉方式的选择,是否常规沟通,是否准备鼻腔、收缩鼻腔的药物,是否应用抗胆碱药物,常用哪种抗胆碱药物,表面麻醉药物的种类,表面麻醉的工具,是否做环甲膜穿刺表面麻醉,常用的镇痛镇静药物,在镇痛镇静药物的基础上是否复合表面麻醉等。以医院等级为分组变量,采用校正χ2检验进行分析比较。结果选择清醒表面麻醉插管处理者分别为三甲30%,二甲18%(P〈O.01),镇静镇痛慢诱导插管处理者三甲28%、二甲23%,清醒插管前会与患者充分沟通的比例均仅为53%,经口不做鼻腔准备的三甲为13%、二甲为23%(P〈0.01)。常规使用抗胆碱药物的三甲为36%、二甲为22%(P〈0.01),选择2%利多卡因溶液做表面麻醉的三甲为46%、二甲为34%(P〈0.01)。镇静镇痛慢诱导插管时,选用丙泊酚复合芬太尼诱导的最多,三甲为20%,二甲为28%(P〈0.05)。结论清醒表面麻醉插管应用率不高,清醒插管的各种准备措施不足,对于清醒镇静下的气道管理仍需不断改善。 Objective To conduct a preliminary survey on awake intubation for management of anticipated difficult airway in Guangdong province, in order to improve the airway management in Guangdong province. Methods By mailing questionnaires, anaesthesiologists in 66 hospitals were enrolled. The questionnaire contained eleven items: the option of anaesthesia for difficult airway, communication with patients before awake intubation, nasal preparation, vasoconstrictor being used on nose mucosa, anticholinergic drugs being used, topical anaesthetic being used, devices for the topical anaesthesia, and sedative being used for awake intubation,etc. Chi-square analysis was applied for categorical variable (the Grade Three Class-A hospitals or Grade Two class-A hospitals). Results 30% anaesthesiasiologists in Grade Three Class-A hospitals and 18% in Grade Two Class-A hospitals chose awake intubaiton (P〈0.01). Only 53% anaesthesiasiologists could adequately communicate with patients before awake intubation. 13% anaesthesiasiologists in Grade Three Class-A hospitals and 23% in Grade Two Class-A hospitals did not applied any nasal preparation (P〈0.01). Anticholinergic drugs were always administrated by 36% anaesthesiasiologists in Grade Three Class-A hospitals and 22% in Grade Two Class-A hospitals, respectively (P〈0.01). 2% lidocaine was selected for topical anesthesia by 46% in Grade Three Class-A hospitals and 34% in Grade Two Class-A hospitals (P〈0.01). Combined propofol and fentanyl injection was the first choice of 20% in Grade Three Class-A hospitals and 28% in Grade Two Class-A hospitals for the induction of intubation (P〈 0.05 ). Conclusions Awake intubation was not routinely used for anticipated difficult airway. Preparation for awake intubation was not adequate. Therefore, awake intubation for the management of anticipated difficult airway needs to be improved.
出处 《国际麻醉学与复苏杂志》 CAS 2015年第2期138-141,共4页 International Journal of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
基金 广东省科学技术厅社会发展项目(20118031800029)
关键词 气道管理 清醒插管 问卷调查 Airway management Awake intubation Questionnaire survey
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