
玻璃粉在超高强水泥基材料中的作用机理 被引量:1

Effect mechanism of glass powder on ultra-high strength cement-based materials
摘要 采用强度试验、X射线衍射及扫描电镜等方法,研究玻璃粉对超高强水泥基材料强度和微结构的影响,揭示玻璃粉在超高强水泥基材料中的作用机理。研究结果表明:采用玻璃粉可制备抗压强度超过100 MPa的超高强水泥基材料,而且当玻璃粉掺量在20%以内时,试样的抗压强度随着玻璃粉掺量的增加而增大;玻璃粉不仅能填充浆体结构中的孔隙,还能发生火山灰反应,生成C-S-H凝胶,进而改善材料的微结构,提高材料的强度。 The effect of glass powder on the strength and microstructure of ultra - high strength cement - based materials was studied by strength test, X -ray diffraction (XRD)and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)techniques, which will reveals the action mechanism of glass powder in ultra - high strength cement - based materials.Testing results show that glass powder can be used to prepare ultra - high strength cement-based materials with compressive strength more than 100 MPa, and the compressive strength increases with the increase of the content of glass powder if its content is within 20% ; glass powder can not only fill the pores in the paste, but also react with cement hydrates and generate C-S-H gel, which can improve the microstructure and strength of this kind of material.
出处 《混凝土》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第1期102-104,共3页 Concrete
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(51208391) 湖北工业大学校博士基金(BSQD12055)
关键词 超高强水泥基材料 玻璃粉 强度 微结构 ultra - high strength cement - based materials glass powder strength microstructure
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