正确预测储油罐收油作业时爆炸危险区域的范围,对确保油库运行安全具有重要意义。通过建立储油罐气体扩散的数学模型和物理模型,采用数值模拟方法,综合考虑油料性质、泄放速率、泄漏口形状与位置以及气象因素的影响,模拟了储油罐收油作业真实场景下油气的扩散过程;给出了环境温度为25℃、距地面2 m、风速为3 m/s、大气稳定度为D、环境湿度为75%、流量为200 m3/h时,汽油储罐的危险区域范围。在罐顶作业时,距罐顶的垂直距离为0.823 m,距透气阀中心8.242 m的范围内均为危险区域。将数值模拟结果与经验公式计算结果进行比对,前者更接近实测值,进一步验证了该方法的准确性。
Correct prediction of the range of explosion hazardous areas during the loading of oil tank is significant for the safe operation of tankfarms. The mathematical and physical models of gas diffusion of oil tank are established, and numerical modeling is made for oil and gas diffusion process in the real scene during loading of oil tanks, considering the effects of oil properties, discharge rate, shape and position of the leakage hole and meteorological factors. When the ambient temperature is 25 ℃, a wind speed at 2 m above the ground is 3 m/s, atmospheric stability is D, environmental humidity is 75% and pump flowrate is 200 m3/h, the scopes of the hazardous areas of gasoline tank are defined as follows: for operation at the top of the tank, the areas within 0.823 m vertically to the top and 8.242 m to the ventilation valve center are considered hazardous. Through comparing the numerical simulation results with the calculation results by empirical formula, it is found that the former is closer to the measured value, which further verifies the accuracy of the method.
Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation
oil tank
hazardous area
numerical simulation