
发动机激励下客车车身怠速振动仿真研究 被引量:6

Simulation of vehicle body vibration in case of excitation by engine idle speed
摘要 以某国产客车为研究对象,综合运用多体动力学和有限元分析法来研究发动机激励下车身的动态响应。在多体动力学软件MotionView中建立整车的动力学模型,在有限元软件HyperMesh中建立车身有限元模型,用MotionSolve求解发动机激励引起的动力总成悬置系统的动载荷,将悬置系统的三向动载荷施加到有限元模型上,用RADIOSS定量求解出车身特征点的动态响应。以发动机怠速工况为例,将车身特征点振动加速度均方根值的仿真计算结果与实车测试结果进行对比分析,验证仿真方法的正确性。结果表明,将多体动力学仿真和有限元仿真有机结合起来研究发动机怠速激励下客车车身的动态响应是行之有效的。 Multi-body dynamics and finite element method were used to analyze dynamic response of vehicle body under excitation of engine.Dynamic model of the whole vehicle was established by MotionView,and finite element model for the bus body was designed by HyperMesh.The dynamic load caused by engine excitation on powertrain mounting system was solved by MotionSolve.By applying three dimensional dynamic load on the mounting system in the finite element model,dynamic responses on the feature points of bus body were quantitatively solved by RADIOSS.In case of excitation by engine idle speed,the simulation and practical testing root-mean-square values of the vibration acceleration on the specific location of bus body were compared.The results show that the simulation method combining multi-body dynamics with finite element analysis is feasible.
出处 《武汉科技大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第1期35-40,共6页 Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51105283)
关键词 客车 发动机激励 动态响应 车身振动 多体动力学 有限元法 bus engine excitation dynamic response body vibration multi-body dynamics finite element method
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