
儿科住院医嘱超说明书用药调查分析 被引量:9

Survey and Analysis of Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatric Inpatient Medical Orders
摘要 目的:了解我院儿科住院医嘱超说明书用药情况,为促进儿童安全用药及规范超说明书用药提供依据。方法:从我院2013年6月至2013年12月的儿科住院病历中随机抽取60份病历,分别记录患儿性别、年龄、体质量等一般情况以及临床诊断、药品名称、给药途径、用药剂量等信息,根据药品说明书及药学知识判断是否为超说明书用药,并对超说明书用药的类型及数量分别进行统计分析。结果:抽取的60份病历共有588条用药医嘱,其中超说明书用药医嘱302条,占51.4%,涉及药品以营养辅助用药最多。超说明书用药类型以超适应人群用药比例最大,占75.2%,其次为超给药剂量及超适应证用药。结论:儿科住院医嘱存在着超说明书用药现象,应加强超说明书用药医嘱的规范管理,促进儿科安全合理用药。 Objective: To understand off-label drug use of inpatient medical orders in our hospital pediatrics, promote children's medication safety and provide the basis for normalizing the off-label drug use. Methods: Sixty medical records were randomly selected in the pediatric inpatients from June 2013 to December 2013, and the children' s gender, age, weight and other general situation as well as the clinical diagnosis, drug, administration route, dosage and so on were recorded. According to the instructions and pharmaceutical knowledge of drug, we could judge whether off-label drug use existed, and analyze the type and quantity of off-label drug use respectively. Results: Of all the 60 medical records including 588 medical orders, there were 302 off-label drug use orders, accounting for 5 l. 4%. The most drug type was for nutrition assist. The most type of off-label drug use was beyond suitable group, accounting for 75.2% , followed by over-dosage drug use and expanding drug use for indication. Conclusion: There are off-label drug use in pediatric inpatient medical orders. Vie should strengthen the standard management of off-label drug use and ensure pediatric drug use safety and rationality.
机构地区 河北省人民医院
出处 《儿科药学杂志》 CAS 2015年第2期34-37,共4页 Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy
关键词 超说明书用药 儿科 住院 医嘱 Off-label drug use Pediatric Inpatient Medical order
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