
超低出生体重儿的生存现状及远期生活质量 被引量:6

The existing situation and long-term quality of life in extremely low birth weight infants
摘要 超低出生体重儿(ELW)是指出生体重〈1 000 g的早产婴儿。近年来,随着围生医学的迅速发展,ELW存活率在发达国家已达80%以上。但随着存活率的提高,ELW的生存现状及远期生活质量开始受到新生儿医师的关注。ELW不仅生长发育及营养状况不及同胎龄的足月成熟儿,其远期呼吸系统、神经系统、受教育及就业等方面均存在一定问题。 Extremely low birth weight infants(ELBW) are those premature babies whose birth weight are below 1 000 g. In recent years, with the rapid development of perinatal medicine, survival rates of the ELBW in the developed countries has reached more than 80% ,but with the increase of survival rates ,the present living situation and the longterm quality of life begin to attract the neonatal physicians' attention. The growth and nu trition status of ELBW are not as well as those full maturity, neither do the certain problems,including longterm respiratory system, nervous system, education and employment.
出处 《国际儿科学杂志》 2015年第1期62-66,共5页 International Journal of Pediatrics
关键词 超低出生体重儿 生存率 远期生活质量 Extremely low birth weight infant Survival rate Long-term quality of life
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