
Wide spectrum and rapid calculation model for atmospheric radiative transfer in limb remote sensing

Wide spectrum and rapid calculation model for atmospheric radiative transfer in limb remote sensing
摘要 We proposed a wide spectrum and rapid calculation model FALTRAN( Fast Atmospheric Limb TRANsmission),to solve the problems of current radiative transfer model in limb remote sensing. In FALTRAN:( 1) Band model algorithm was employed and the molecular spectroscopy database was based on HITRAN2008.( 2) Limb radiative transfer equation consists of scattering and thermal radiation was established,and according to the limb geometry characteristic,a Hemisphere Radiation Adding( HRA) approach based on finite difference method was proposed to solve it. We investigated the atmospheric limb radiations under typical atmospheric modes in several commonly used remote sensing bands. Moreover,radiation contribution by two hemispheres was quantitative analyzed as well. Validation results show that the relative differences between FALTRAN and Combining Differential-Integral( CDI) model are within 2%,and calculation results by FALTRAN have good agreement with Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding( MIPAS) measurements. FALTRAN is proven to be reliable in the limb radiative transfer calculation. We proposed a wide spectrum and rapid calculation model FALTRAN( Fast Atmospheric Limb TRANsmission),to solve the problems of current radiative transfer model in limb remote sensing. In FALTRAN:( 1) Band model algorithm was employed and the molecular spectroscopy database was based on HITRAN2008.( 2) Limb radiative transfer equation consists of scattering and thermal radiation was established,and according to the limb geometry characteristic,a Hemisphere Radiation Adding( HRA) approach based on finite difference method was proposed to solve it. We investigated the atmospheric limb radiations under typical atmospheric modes in several commonly used remote sensing bands. Moreover,radiation contribution by two hemispheres was quantitative analyzed as well. Validation results show that the relative differences between FALTRAN and Combining Differential-Integral( CDI) model are within 2%,and calculation results by FALTRAN have good agreement with Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding( MIPAS) measurements. FALTRAN is proven to be reliable in the limb radiative transfer calculation.
出处 《遥感学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期93-99,共7页 NATIONAL REMOTE SENSING BULLETIN
基金 National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.11173008) Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.103.1.2E022050205)
关键词 limb remote sensing band model algorithm limb radiative transfer equation Hemisphere Radiation Adding radiance contribution limb remote sensing, band model algorithm, limb radiative transfer equation, Hemisphere Radiation Adding, radiance contribution
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