
我国西瓜甜瓜病虫害防控的重点工作与任务 被引量:6

Important work in diseases and pests control of watermelon and melon in China
摘要 西瓜甜瓜病虫害近年来对西瓜甜瓜生产栽培产生很大影响,造成产量下降品质变劣,严重时绝产绝收。通过梳理过去病虫害发生发展与防控现状,提出未来西瓜甜瓜病虫害防控的重点工作与任务:病虫害生物学与发生规律研究;抗性品种选育与布局;综防技术研究与应用;基础理论与前沿技术研究。为了完成上述任务,提出了保障性的措施与政策建议:加强人才队伍建设,提升西瓜甜瓜病虫害研究的整体学术水平和实力;加强多学科协作和实质性国际合作,联合攻克生产上的技术瓶颈,推进国际科技合作与交流;加大科技研究投入,建设科技基础设施与平台条件,强化共享机制;开展产学研结合,加快科技成果产业化应用和加强西瓜甜瓜生产过程的监控。 The diseases and pests have great influences on the production and cultivation of watermelon and melon and se- verely damage the benefit of farmers in recent years. Hence, some tasks aimed at controlling the diseases and pests were put forwarded including studies on the occurrence regulation and biology of diseases and pests, the breeding and distribution of disease-resistant varieties, research and application of integrated control techniques, research on basic theory and advanced technology. What is more, some reliable advices and measures were proposed. Firstly, it' s necessary to strengthen the con- struction of talent team and to improve the standard of scientific research;second, it' s necessary to strengthen multidisci- plinary cooperation and substantial international cooperation in order to overcome the obstacle of technical production and improve the international cooperation and exchanges;third, it's necessary to raise the scientific and technological invest- ment, construct the infrastructure and platform condition, and strengthen the sharing mechanism. The combination of pro- duction-study-research were developed, improved the scientific and technological application, and enhanced the monitoring of production of watermelon and melon.
出处 《中国瓜菜》 北大核心 2015年第1期1-4,共4页 China Cucurbits And Vegetables
基金 国家西甜瓜产业技术体系(CARS-26) 行业专项(201003066) 中国农业科学院创新工程
关键词 西瓜 甜瓜 病虫害防控 任务 Watermelon Melon Diseases and pests control Tasks
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