While the true value of environmental goods may be captured in a one-off payment, it may be easier to add a smaler amount to a private good by means of donation and colect the total environmental value over time. For that, however we need to ensure the smaller amount of a heritage conservation donation added to a private good is adequate so that we can ifnd retailers to participate in such fund-raising activities. We test the contingent valuation method’s criterion validity by comparing their stated purchasing behavior with their actual behavior. The price increase from the addition of the donation did not affect total sales of the commodity. Adding a donation to specialized private goods may be an effective way to colect landscape and agricultural heritage conservation do-nations. Furthermore, our ifndings suggest that funds can be colected without affecting commodity sales. This ap-proach is effective in other environmental protection activities.
在一次性支付中,某种环境物品真正价值或许更容易如果它能以捐赠的方式加入私人物品中。我们研究了人们的购买行为并与问卷调查中所阐明的购买行为相对比。我们检验了条件价值法(Contingent Value Method,CVM)的效标效度,例如(检验)当捐赠被附加时人们所表现出与规定值的差异程度。结果表明价格上涨对商品的总销量有任何影响。把捐赠附加到私人物品中可能是种很有效的收集捐款形式。这些捐款被用于保护具有非排他性和非竞争性的景观或者作为景观一部分的农业遗产。此外,我们还可以表明,资金可以在不改变销售数量被收集。这种方法在其他环保活动也是很有效的。
the Association of River Improvement Fund and the JSPS grant B, for young researchers 2010-2013, both of whom provided financial support for this work