Because of the large number of watermark embedding,using semi-fragile video water-marking for content authentication demands a higher level of operating speed compared with digital image water-marking. In this paper,we improve the spatial semi-fragile watermarking algorithm which based on lumi-nance blocks,and the algorithm can keep a better robustness as well as embedding speed. By using the optimized algorithm,which is based on the feature that two adjacent luminance blocks has a constant ener-gy relationship in the non-malicious situation,the watermarking sequences are produced and embedded in-to DCT coefficient. This algorithm has its advantages,such as,does not involve specific encoding format, does not need original video for authentication,and even can localize the tampered region quickly. The simulation experimental results demonstrate the embedding speed reach 18. 37MB/s,and with invisible quality loss,meanwhile,it shows that the algorithm has good realtime response.
Journal of Communication University of China:Science and Technology