

Research Progress of the Nutritional Value Evaluation of Beef Cattle Aboard in 2013
摘要 文章从精饲料营养和粗饲料营养两个方面综述了2013年国外肉牛营养价值评定的研究进展。精饲料营养主要包括蛋白质原料(亚麻籽、葵花籽、棉籽和油菜籽)、蛋白质水平、能量饲料以及精饲料对肉牛和犊牛的综合评价四个方面;粗饲料营养主要包括粗饲料品种和青贮饲料两个方面的研究。文章对上述研究成果进行了总结分析,以期为我国肉牛产业的快速发展提供一些借鉴。 This article reviewed the progress on nutritional value evaluation of beef cattle abroad in2013. It described the progress from two aspects, including concentrates nutrition and roughage nutrition.In this study, the integrated evaluation to beef cattle and calf of concentrates nutrition included four parts,such as protein feedstuffs (flaxseed, sunflower seed, cottonseed and rapeseed)and concentrates. On the other hand, it also studied on roughage nutrition,roughage and silage two main parts. In addition, this article summarized and, protein level, energy-feedwhich included the type ofanalyzed these research re-sults, which would provide some reference for rapid development of beef cattle industry in China.
出处 《中国牛业科学》 2014年第6期41-46,共6页 China Cattle Science
基金 国家肉牛牦牛产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-38)
关键词 肉牛 精饲料 粗饲料 青贮饲料 beef cattle concentrates roughage silage
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