
部分破坏拆卸模式下拆卸规划 被引量:3

Product Disassembly Sequence Planning Based on Partial Destruction Mode
摘要 为了对产品进行拆卸规划,基于装配有向图提出一种部分破坏性模式下的拆卸规划方法。通过装配有向图表达产品零部件间的装配关系,并在此基础上构建装配关系矩阵、装配连接矩阵和可达矩阵。由矩阵遍历和运算获得产品装配结构、装配深度等信息,并根据这些信息确定被破坏对象,最终完成部分破坏性拆卸模式下拆卸规划过程。将上述理论应用于摩擦驱动装置拆卸规划中,其结果验证了理论分析的有效性和正确性。 A method for product disassembly sequence planning is proposed under a partial destruction mode based on partial destruction.Directed graph of assembly is used to show the relationships among the parts and the connecting pieces of products.Based on the directed graph of assembly,the relationship matrix,connecting matrix and reach ability matrix are defined.By iterating and calculating on these matrixes,the assembly structure and the assembly depth are obtained,which are used to determine the destructed objects,thus completing the disassembly sequence planning in partial destruction mode.Finally,the proposed method is verified by an example of the friction driven device.The result of sequence planning illustrates that the method is feasible and effective.
出处 《南京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期945-950,共6页 Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金(61105114)资助项目 南京航空航天大学国家自然科学基金培养基金(XNA12066)资助项目
关键词 部分破坏性拆卸 装配有向图 拆卸规划 partial destruction mode directed graph of assembly disassembly sequence planning
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