
全球金融危机下在华外资企业撤资的影响分析与风险判断 被引量:6

Divestment of Foreign Enterprise in China under Global Financial Crisis: Effect Analysis and Risk Assessment
摘要 全球金融危机引发在华外资企业撤资,撤资频率和规模都较以往有所增大。行业跨国公司特别是知名跨国公司的撤资,更能说明金融危机对在华外资企业撤资的影响。从撤资特点看,在华外资企业撤资呈现出撤资风险提高与对华直接投资增加并存,主要以小企业为主,地域更多集中在沿海发达地区。但总体上看,金融危机爆发后,并未形成大规模从中国撤资潮,区位优势下降中的相对优势加大了对优质跨国公司的吸引,跨国公司对华投资战略调整增强了抗撤资的风险能力。金融危机冲击下撤资增加的现象,值得高度关注。为防止未来外部变量重大冲击可能引发的大规模撤资,中国应以此次金融危机影响外资撤资和外资利用为契机,做好应对外部冲击下的外资利用的准备,建立相应的预警机制和预警指标体系,同时,要从建立本土跨国公司的长远战略准备上消减外资企业撤资的影响规模和程度,从根本上解决未来可能出现的较大撤资风险。 Global crisis has impact on divestment on foreign enterprise. The frequency of divestment is be- coming more often. And the scale of it is also larger than before. Multinational corporation' s withdraw in in- dustries, especially well known foreign enterprise, is even more telling the true of this situation. The features of divestment in China appears both risks and investment increases. And withdraw of investment focuses on little foreign enterprise and are from coastal development areas. Generally there is no phenomenon of large scale di- vestment. Comparative advantage of China attracts many high quality company. Strategic adjustment of multina- tionals "investment enhances the risk of anti-divestment. The increases of divestment should be paid close atten- tion to. In order to avoiding massive withdraw of foreign investment triggering by external variables impacts, China must establish early warning mechanism and index system. And China should also foster own competitive muhinations.
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期3-13,40,共12页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“金融危机下在华外资企业撤资风险与对策研究”(批准编号:09CJY001)的资助
关键词 全球金融危机 跨国公司 撤资 收入分配差距 规模经济 Global Financial Crisis Multinational Corporation Divestment Income Distribution Gap gional economic Economies of Scale
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