
减轻大学生对吸毒人群的艾滋病污名:基于观点采择的研究证据 被引量:5

Reducing the HIV/AIDS Stigma of Drug Users from College Students: Evidence from Perspective-Taking
摘要 吸毒人群是艾滋病的高发群体,吸毒且患艾滋者的污名状况值得关注。以大学生为研究对象,采用三个子研究探讨观点采择对吸毒者和吸毒且患艾滋者污名的干预作用。研究结果表明,大学生对吸毒者存在较高污名,而对吸毒且患艾滋者存在较低污名。观点采择能有效降低大学生对吸毒者和吸毒且患艾滋者的污名;相对于吸毒且患艾滋者,观点采择对吸毒者污名的干预作用更强;共情反应在观点采择和污名改变程度之间起部分中介作用。观点采择者更愿意与另一个来自目标群体的成员(吸毒且患艾滋者)接触,但不愿与另一个来自上位概念群体的成员(吸毒者)接触。 The present study, by surveying college students, aims to probe into perspective taking-based interventions in college students' stigma towards both drug users and drug users with AIDS. The results show the following: the college students surveyed show a high degree of stigma towards drug users, but a low degree of stigma towards drug users with AIDS; perspective-taking can effectively reduce the college students' stigma towards drug users and drug users with AIDS; perspective-taking shows a stronger intervenient effect on the college students' stigma towards drug users than towards drug users with AIDS; empathetic response mediates perspective-taking and stigma change; perspective-takers are more willing to contact a member from the same target group (drug users with AIDS) than a member from a boarder-concept group (drug users).
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期79-85,共7页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 国家社科基金"吸毒人群艾滋病污名问题研究"(项目批准号:11CSH045) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(项目批准号:2062014333)资助
关键词 大学生 吸毒者 吸毒且患艾滋者 污名 观点采择 college students drug user drug user with AIDS stigma perspective-taking
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