

Simulation on Coking and Carbon Deposition for Testing-based loads of a Heavy Duty Gas Turbine
摘要 燃烧室燃油壁面结焦和燃烧积炭能对燃烧性能和寿命产生严重不良影响。基于某重型燃气轮机4种功率下燃烧载荷的火焰筒壁面测温漆试验结果,数值研究了壁面燃油结焦和积炭特性。用UG软件进行实体三维建模;用气相Realizable k-ε湍流模型、燃油颗粒Lagrange随机轨道模型、EDC燃烧模型和碳烟生成模型等模拟两相湍流燃烧反应流;采用压力-速度耦合SIMPLE算法和二阶迎风差分离散格式,计算分析了燃油颗粒分布与热壁面结焦、燃烧传热、火焰筒壁温分布和碳烟沉积。模化并分析了壁面同时发生的结焦和积炭特性及其影响因素。模拟结果与相关试验基本符合,为降低壁面的结焦积炭和改进燃烧室设计提供了理论依据。 Fuels coking and combustion deposition on the chamber wall have the serious harmful effects on combustion performance and working life of gas turbine chamber.Based on 4 thermal power combustion tests, and combining the combustor liner multi-color pyrom-etry results, its wall coking and carbon deposition characteristics are CFD numerically studied.UG software is used for Geometry enti-ties 3D building.Gas phase turbulent flow is simulated by Realizable k-εmodel, random movement of liquid fuel atomization particles are simulated by Lagrange random walk model, and EDC combustion model is used to model combustion reaction, numerical calculation has used SIMPLE pressure-velocity coupled method and second order upwind difference schemes, which all used for numerical analyzed the fuels particles distribution and thermal wall coking, combustion heat transfer, flame tube wall temperature distribution and soot deposit.The conjunction characteristics and influence factors of coking and deposit are modeled and analyzed.The simulation results are basically consistent with the related test.These contribute the theoretical basis for both the decreasing of coking deposit and cham-ber design.
出处 《燃气轮机技术》 2014年第4期23-30,共8页 Gas Turbine Technology
基金 航空基金项目(NO.20112B54005)
关键词 重型燃气轮机 火焰筒 数值模拟 结焦积炭 heavy duty gas turbine flame tube numerical simulation coking and carbon deposition
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